All entries of category 'time'

Vulcan English Description Category
Ahhar a Vulcan month in the calendar a Vulcan month in the calendar ( The Romulan Way) time
aru afternoon the part of day from noon until sunset time
asal morning the first or early part of the day, lasting from midnight to noon or from sunrise to noon; the first or early part; the beginning time
Belaar summer season usually usually warmest season of the year, occurring between spring and autumn (colloquial) time
d'kam date interval on some temporal scale usually in reference to long term measure (day, month, year) time
D'ruh 2nd month in Vulcan year second month in Vulcan year time
et'Khior 9th month in Vulcan year means Nine Stars time
fa-gad tomorrow the day after today; the near future time
falek-wak summer season as calculated astronomically, extending from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox (scientific) time
gad day time for the planet to make a complete rotation on its axis (VLI) time
gad t'keshtan birthday the anniversary of one's birth; celebration of one's birth time
gad-besan calendar any of various systems of reckoning time in which the beginning, length, and divisions of a year are defined time
gad-ha'gel daylight light during the daytime; the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside (noun) time
gad-keshtan daybreak dawn; sunrise time
gad-keshtan dawn dawn; sunrise (noun) time
gad-shen sunrise the event or time of the daily first appearance of the sun above the eastern horizon time
gad-tevan sunset the event or time of the daily disappearance of the sun below the western horizon time
gad-wak- daytime light during the daytime; the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside (adjective) time
gad-wakik daytime light during the daytime; the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside (adjective) time
i'fa'farr birth time the instance of giving birth time
Irhheen a Vulcan month in the calendar a Vulcan month in the calendar ( The Romulan Way) time
K'ri'lior 8th month in Vulcan year means Bright One time
K'riBrax 3rd month in Vulcan year means Fast One time
kanok-gadik daily once a day time
kanok-tevunik annual recurring, done, or performed every year; yearly; of, relating to, or determined by a year time
Karil winter (season) a year as expressed through the recurrence of the winter season; a period of time characterized by coldness, misery, barrenness, or death (colloquial) time
kastik-wak spring season (scientific) the season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive time
khru evening evening time
Khuti 6th month in Vulcan year means Dedicated to T'Khut (T'Kuht) time
kinuf date date; time indicated on a calendar (noun) (anc.) time
lik'rt second time unit equal to 0.64 Terran seconds time
lirt'k minute time unit equal to 1.41 Terran minutes, or 54 lik'rt time
mu'yor-wakik nocturnal of, relating to, or occurring in the night; most active at night time
mu-yor night the period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness time
nash-gad today the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow); the present time or age time
pon time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past time
pseth-tevun-yonuk dry season one of the two seasons in tropical climates, the other being the wet season time
r'tas year 12 t'khuhati (months) of 21 (t'ved) days; equal to 0.73 Terran years (Marketa) time
re'T'Khutai 4th month in Vulcan year means Fourth Month time
Sikar spring season (colloquial) the season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive time
T'ke'Tas 11th month in Vulcan year means Before the End-year time
T'keKhuti 5th month in Vulcan year means Before T'Khut (T'Kuht) time
t'ku'hati month a Vulcan month time
T'lakht 10th month in Vulcan year means Dedicated to the Flare (rage) time
t'ved day Vulcan day; is 18 Vulcan hours long; equal to 1.057 Earth days (25.3 Earth hours) time
ta'Krat 7th month in Vulcan year means Seventh Cycle time
Tasmeen 12th month in Vulcan year means End of Year time
Tasmeen month - autumn autumn month (VLI) time
tasmin autumn season the season when the leaves fall from the trees (colloquial) time
tevun year 12 t'khuhati (months) of 21 (t'ved) days; equal to 0.73 Terran years (VLI) time
tevun-krus month of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar (VLI) time
tevun-yonuk season one of the four natural divisions of the year, spring, summer, fall, and winter, in the North and South Temperate zones time
to'ovau-tevun-yonuk growing season the season during which a crop grows best time
urozh-wak autumn season season of the year between summer and winter, lasting from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice and from September to December in the Northern Hemisphere [scientific term] time
v'hral hour a Vulcan hour; equal to 1.409 Earth hours time
wadan hour one of the points on a timepiece marking off 12 or 24 successive intervals of 60 minutes (VLI) time
wak time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past (VLI) time
wak-krus period an interval of time characterized by the occurrence of a certain condition, event, or phenomenon time
Z'at 1st month in Vulcan year means Start of Year time
za-gad yesterday the day before the present day time

60 terms found.