All entries of category 'occupation'

Vulcan English Description Category
(koyik) hashsu aviatrix a woman aviator occupation
(sayik) hashsu aviator someone who operates an aircraft occupation
afersu founder one who establishes something or formulates the basis for something occupation
aikum-talsu selenologist an astromomer who specializes in the branch of astronomy that deals with the nature and origin of the physical features of the moon occupation
akan-ha-talu xenobiologist a scientist who studies the biology of extraterrestrial life occupation
aluk-kumsu fisherman one who fishes as an occupation or for sport occupation
aushfa-talsu zoologist a specialist in the branch of biology dealing with animals occupation
bahsu gardener one who works in or tends a garden for pleasure or hire occupation
bezhun-hassu ophthalmologist a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye occupation
dok-torvausu bricklayer a person skilled in building with bricks occupation
donkessu financier one who is occupied with or expert in large-scale financial affairs occupation
dun-zhuksu paper-maker one that manufactures paper occupation
dunapshausu bookbinder one who binds books occupation
dunapsu librarian a person who is responsible for a collection of specialized or technical information or materials, such as musical scores or computer documentation occupation
dvinsu servant one who is privately employed to perform domestic services; one who expresses submission, recognizance, or debt to another occupation
ek'nosh-talsu climatologist a scientist who studies the meteorology of climates and their phenomena occupation
ek'talsu scientist a person having expert knowledge of one or more sciences, especially a natural or physical science occupation
ek'tukh-talsu mineralogist a scientist trained in the branch of geology that studies minerals: their structure and properties and the ways of distinguishing them occupation
fassu cook someone who cooks food (VLI) (noun); chef occupation
feihan boss an employer or a supervisor; leader; person in charge; one who makes decisions or exercises authority (noun) occupation
fereiksu inventor someone who is the first to think of or make something; one who invents occupation
galu-tor-talsu nuclear physicist a physicist who specializes in the branch of physics that deals with the behavior, structure, and component parts of atomic nuclei occupation
gen-lis-talsu linguist a specialist in the the humanistic study of language and literature; occupation
gisam-talsu toxicologist one who studies the nature and effects of poisons and their treatment occupation
gnal-talsu oncologist a specialist in the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of tumors occupation
grazhayek grinder one that grinds, especially one who sharpens cutting edges occupation
ha'gel-tanafsu photographer someone who takes photographs professionally occupation
ha'yigal profession an occupation or career; the body of qualified persons in an occupation or field e.g. members of the teaching profession occupation
ha-meil-talsu biochemist someone with special training in biochemistry occupation
ha-talsu biologist a scientist who studies living organisms occupation
ha-tin-talsu biostratigrapher a scientist that studies the spatial and temporal distribution of fossil organisms, often interpolated with radiometric, geochemical, and paleoenvironmental information as a means of dating rock strata occupation
ha-tor-talsu biophysicist a physicist who applies the methods of physics to biology occupation
Hakausu Healer the Vulcan term for Doctor; one who heals occupation
haleksu cyclist one who rides a bicycle occupation
has-sak-talsu epidemiologist a medical scientist who studies the transmission and control of epidemic diseases occupation
has-talsu pathologist a doctor who specializes in the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases occupation
hasausu patient one who receives medical attention, care, or treatment occupation
haseretsu pharmacist a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs occupation
hash-mishek flight engineer the crew member responsible for the mechanical performance of an aircraft in flight occupation
hashsu pilot one who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight occupation
hassu physician a person licensed to practice medicine; a medical doctor; a person who practices general medicine as distinct from surgery occupation
hinek-talsu osteologist one who specializes in the science which treats of the bones of the vertebrate skeleton occupation
hishsu printer (person) one that prints, especially one whose occupation is printing occupation
igen-va-talsu meteorologist a specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions occupation
is-lof-talsu physiologist a biologist specializing in the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms occupation
kanek-zhuksu boilermaker one that makes or repairs boilers occupation
kapol-nafek-talsu nephrologist one who specializes in the branch of medicine concerned with the kidney - its development and anatomy and physiology and disorders occupation
kashan-nesu anesthesiologist a physician specializing in anesthesiology occupation
kashkau-talsu psychiatrist physician who specializes in the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders occupation
kastik-sokasitausu plant cultivator someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating plants occupation
kastik-talsu botanist a biologist specializing in the study of plants occupation
kf're'ki cook someone who cooks food occupation
khaf-spolsu cardiologist a specialist in cardiology; a specialist in the structure and function and disorders of the heart occupation
khaf-talsu hematologist a doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs occupation
kitausu author someone who writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay) occupation
kitausu writer one who writes, especially as an occupation; a person who is able to write and has written something occupation
kla-hilsu researcher a scientist who devotes himself to doing research occupation
kloshai-talsu psychologist a scientist trained in the science of mental health occupation
ko-kesh-hassu obstetrician a physician who specializes in obstetrics occupation
kominsu-talsu anthropologist a social scientist who specializes in the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings occupation
kov-meil-talsu petrochemist a chemist that studies petroleum and its derivatives; a chemist that studies branch of geochemistry that deals with the chemical composition of rocks occupation
kov-skrimsu stonecarver one who carves stone; sculpter; stonemason occupation
kov-talsu petrologist a scientist who specializes in the branch of geology that studies rocks: their origin and formation and composition occupation
krassu painter one who paints, either as an artist or worker occupation
kritash-ek'talsu cyberneticist someone who studies the field of science concerned with processes of communication and control (especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems) occupation
lap-kuv-talsu dendrochronologist a scientist that deals with the study of climate changes and past events by comparing the successive annual growth rings of trees or old timber occupation
lapan-skrimsu woodcarver one creates or decorates objects of wood by carving then with a sharp hand-held tool occupation
le-suma-talsu glaciologist a scientist dealing in the scientific study of glaciers and their effects on the landscape occupation
leipausu baker someone who bakes bread or cake; someone who bakes commercially occupation
luk-talsu mycologist a botanist who specializes in the study of fungi occupation
makh-salursu glassblower someone skilled in blowing bottles from molten glass occupation
makh-zhuksu glassmaker one that makes glass occupation
malat-talsu ecologist a biologist who studies the relation between organisms and their environment occupation
masu-dvun-talsu hydrodynamicist one who studies fluids in motion occupation
masu-mish-talsu hydrologic engineer an engineer that studies the branch of science that studies water on the earth and in the atmosphere: its distribution and uses and conservation occupation
masu-talsu hydrologist an scientist that studies water on the earth and in the atmosphere: its distribution and uses and conservation occupation
masusu sailor one who serves in a navy or works on a ship; one who travels by water occupation
masusu seaman a mariner or sailor occupation
masutra-ha-talsu marine biologist a specialist who studies ocean plants and animals and their ecological relationships occupation
masutra-mish-talsu oceanologist a scientist who studies the branch of science which relates to the ocean occupation
masutra-talsu oceanographer a scientist who studies physical and biological aspects of the seas occupation
meil-talsu chemist a scientist who specializes in the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions ; a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs occupation
men-hilsu investigator one especially a detective, who investigates occupation
mishek engineer a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems; the operator of a railway locomotive occupation
mokevsu metalworker someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable) occupation
nala-talsu cytologist a biologist who studies the structure and function of cells occupation
ne'rak-masu-talsu geohydrologist one that studies the branch of geology that studies the movement of subsurface water through rocks and the effect of moving water on rocks, including their erosion occupation
nehasamek-talsu hepatologist a doctor who specializes in liver diseases occupation
nisausu analyst one that analyzes; a practitioner of psychoanalysis; a systems analyst occupation
numo-ha-talsu microbiologist a specialist in the branch of biology that studies microorganisms and their effects on humans occupation
numo-kelek-talsu histologist anatomist who specializes in the microscopic study of animal tissues occupation
ogsu seamstress a woman who sews, especially one who makes her living by sewing occupation
ogsu tailor one that makes, repairs, and alters garments such as suits, coats, and dresses occupation
opilsu chef a professional cook occupation
orensu student, pupil one who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university; one who studies something occupation
pekh-vat-talsu proctologist a doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus occupation
psethilayek desiccator one who removes water to preserve something occupation
raf-tor-velsu electrician ones whose occupation is the installation, maintenance, repair, or operation of electric equipment and circuitry occupation
ralash-talsu audiologist one who specializes in he branch of science and medicine concerned with the sense of hearing occupation
ralash-tanafsu musician one who composes, conducts, or performs music, especially instrumental music occupation
ravot-talsu entomologist a zoologist who studies insects occupation
s'udish-ha-talsu exobiologist one who studies the possibility of living organisms elsewhere in the universe than on Earth/Vulcan occupation
s'udish-solektra-talsu astrogeologist a scientist that specializes in the planetary science discipline concerned with the geology of the celestial bodies such as the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteorites occupation
savensu teacher one who teaches, especially one hired to teach occupation
sayonotausu firefighter a member of a fire department who fights fires occupation
shakhu-talsu geriatricist one who specializes in the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and problems specific to old people occupation
shakhuvaya-talsu gerontologist one who specializes in the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and problems specific to old people occupation
sharushsu surgeon a physician specializing in surgery occupation
shek-zhuksu blacksmith one that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer; one that makes, repairs, and fits horseshoes occupation
shid-tanafsu sculptor one who produces sculptural artwork; one who shapes, molds, or fashions especially with artistry or precision occupation
shila-talsu sociologist a social scientist who studies the institutions and development of human society occupation
skaun-ek'ur-talsu gastroenterologist a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occupation
skladasu courier a messenger, usually traveling in haste, bearing urgent news, important reports or packages, diplomatic messages, etc (person) occupation
slor-masu-talsu limnologist a specialist in the study of freshwater ponds and lakes occupation
sna-lok-zhuksu mosaic-worker one who makes mosaics occupation
solai-zupsu field hand an outdoor worker on a farm occupation
solek-talsu pedologist a scientist who specializes in the study of the physical and mental development and characteristics of children occupation
solektra-hutaya-talsu seismologist a scientist who studies earthquakes occupation
solektra-meil-talsu geochemist a scientist that studies the chemistry of the planet's crust occupation
solektra-shid-talsu geomorphologist one who specializes in the study of the branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms occupation
solektra-talsu geologist a specialist in a science that deals with the history of the planet as recorded in rocks occupation
solektra-tor-talsu geophysicist a geologist who uses physical principles to study the properties of the planet occupation
sov-masu-talsu hydrometeorologist a person that studies the branch of meteorology that deals with water in the atmosphere especially as precipitation occupation
spayek conductor the person who leads a musical group; the person who collects fares on a public conveyance occupation
storayek developer someone who develops real estate (especially someone who prepares a site for residential or commercial use) occupation
stukh-kharayek astrogator the navigator of a spacecraft occupation
stukh-talsu astrophysicist an astronomer who studies the physical properties of celestial bodies occupation
stukhtra-talsu cosmologist an astronomer who studies the evolution and space-time relations of the universe occupation
svai-zehlausu floral arranger one who arranges plants in an aesthetically pleasing manner occupation
svai-zhuksu florist one in the business of raising or selling flowers and ornamental plants occupation
T'Kehr teacher a person whose occupation is teaching (Dwellers in the Crucible; Vulcan's Soul: Exodus) occupation
talsu finder one that finds occupation
tamsu dancer a performer who dances occupation
tanafsu artist one who is able by virtue of imagination and talent or skill to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts occupation
tash-noshtra-talsu eugenicist one who is a specialist of advocate of eugenics occupation
tashsu controller a person who directs and restrains; someone who maintains and audits business accounts (person) (person) occupation
tauk-talsu speleologist a person who explores caves occupation
taulsu diver someone who dives (into water); someone who works underwater; occupation
te'koshfet architect one who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures; one that plans or devises (anc.) occupation
temep-dvinsu gatekeeper one that is in charge of passage through a gate; one who monitors or oversees the actions of others occupation
tertitayek composer someone who composes music as a profession occupation
tevanu-talsu coroner a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes occupation
tevikehsu mortician one whose business is the management of funerals occupation
tol-talsu geneticist a biologist who specializes in genetics occupation
tor-talsu physicist a scientist trained in the science of matter and energy and their interactions occupation
tor-velsu mechanic a worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools occupation
torvau producer one that produces, especially a person or organization that produces goods or services for sale occupation
torvausu builder one that builds, especially a person who contracts for and supervises the construction of a building occupation
tukh-nisausu assayer an analyst who assays (performs chemical tests on) metals occupation
ukraluk-talsu herpetologist a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians occupation
uralausu singer singer; one who sings occupation
uroshalsu farmer farmer (MGV - dialect of VLI Vulcan) occupation
urozh-solek-talsu agronomist an expert in soil management and field-crop production occupation
uzh-keshtusu neonatologist one who specializes in that branch of pediatric medicine concerned with the newborn; the diagnosis and treatment of neonates occupation
vath-ek'tra-talsu planetologist a scientist who specializes in the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical features of the planets occupation
vazh-ek'ur-talsu urologist a specialist in the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the urinary tract or urogenital system occupation
vesht-aushfa-talsu paleozoologist a scientist who specializes in the study of fossil animals occupation
vesht-ek'nosh-talsu paleoclimatologist a scientist who specializes in the study of the climate of past ages occupation
vesht-ha-talsu paleontologist a scientist who specializes in the earth science that studies fossil organisms and related remains occupation
vesht-kastik-talsu paleobotanist a scientist who specializes in the study of fossil plants occupation
vesht-komihnsu-talsu paleoanthropologist a scientist who conducts the scientific study of human fossils occupation
veshtsu-talsu archaeologist an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture occupation
vishizhuksu founder one who works in a foundry; a worker who makes metal castings occupation
vukhut-dvun-talsu kinesiologist one who specializes in the science dealing with the interrelationship of the physiological processes and anatomy of the human body with respect to movement occupation
vukhut-mevsu angiologist a physician who specializes in angiology occupation
vukhut-talsu anatomist an expert in anatomy occupation
wadi-talsu dermatologist a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin occupation
yel-talsu astronomer one who specializes in astronomy occupation
zehl-el'torayek linear operator one that operates/maintains the intermix chamber/warp core; a engineering specialist occupation
zhit-vesht-talsu etymologist a lexicographer who specializes in the study of the sources and development of words occupation
zhuksu fabricator a person that builds or fabricates something occupation
zhuksu smith a metalworker, especially one who works metal when it is hot and malleable, often used in combination: a silversmith; a goldsmith occupation
zud-hassu dentist a person qualified to practice dentistry occupation
zul-kunel-talsu vulcanologist a scientist who specializes in the branch of geology that studies volcanoes occupation
zup-fulagsu foreman a man who serves as the leader of a work crew; a man who chairs and speaks for a jury occupation

175 terms found.