All entries of category 'prefix'

Vulcan English Description Category
abi' until up to the time of; before prefix
abru' above on high; overhead; in heaven; heavenward; upstairs; in or to a higher place; in an earlier part of a given text: The problems cited above prefix
abru' over above; over prefix
abru- over~ over~; up~ prefix
abru- up~ over~; up~ prefix
be' beside beside; near, next to prefix
be' near beside; near, next to prefix
be' next to beside; near, next to prefix
dan- ~est ~est; most ~ prefix
dan- most ~ ~est; most ~ prefix
dang- should a verbal prefix meaning should (do); used for saying what is correct, especially when the situation is different from this; used for saying what the purpose of an action is [] prefix
du' while while; during prefix
du' during while; during prefix
ek' all all; total; pan~ prefix
ek' total all; total; pan~ prefix
ek' pan~ all; total; pan~ prefix
fa' before earlier in time; in front; ahead; previous to in time; earlier than; prefix
fa' in front of before; in front of prefix
fa- fore~ fore~; front~; bow(-); anterior prefix
fa- front~ fore~; front~; bow(-); anterior prefix
fa- bow(-) fore~; front~; bow(-); anterior prefix
fa- anterior fore~; front~; bow(-); anterior prefix
fe- pre~ pre~; ante~ prefix
fe- ante~ pre~; ante~ prefix
fi' on on; atop prefix
fi' atop on; atop prefix
fna- through(-) through(-) prefix
fu- proto- proto- prefix
ha- biological of, relating to, caused by, or affecting life or living organisms (adj.) prefix
i' now now; at this moment prefix
i' at this moment now; at this moment prefix
ish- that that prefix
ki' have have (participal) prefix
ki' to have + verb (participal) to have + verb (participal) prefix
kup- to be able (to) to be able (to) prefix
kwi' from a distance from a distance; from far away prefix
kwi- tele~ tele~ prefix
la' here here prefix
lau- may may; might prefix
lau- might may; might prefix
marom(-) excellent of the highest quality prefix
mes' across on, at, or from the other side of; so as to cross; through; from one side of to the other prefix
mes- cross(-) cross(-) prefix
mesakh- trans~ trans~ prefix
n' noun marker marks a nound or pronoun as the object of the verb when the subject is omitted [] prefix
na' at at; to(wards); for prefix
na' for at; to(wards); for prefix
nash- this this prefix
ne' below below; under; down prefix
ne' under below; under; down prefix
ne- under~ under~; down~; sub~ prefix
ne- down~ under~; down~; sub~ prefix
ne- sub~ under~; down~; sub~ prefix
nuh' too (fast, slow, etc) too (fast, slow, etc) prefix
numo- micro- micro- prefix
pa' around on all sides; in a circle or with a circular motion; in circumference or perimeter; in succession or rotation prefix
pa- circum~ circum~ prefix
pi' diminutive prefix diminutive prefix [no definition available] prefix
pla' back(-) back(-); retro(-) prefix
pla' retro(-) back(-); retro(-) prefix
po' after behind in place or order; next to or lower than in order or importance; in quest or pursuit of prefix
po- after~ after~; post~ prefix
po- post~ after~; post~ prefix
pu~ passive voice marker binding verbal prefix; pasive voice marker; attached directly to the verb [] prefix
rik' without without prefix
s' from from; out of prefix
s' out of from; out of prefix
sa~ ex~ ex~; outward(-); from out of; away from (combining form) prefix
sa~ outward(-) ex~; outward(-); from out of; away from (combining form) prefix
sa~ from out of ex~; outward(-); from out of; away from (combining form) prefix
sa~ away from (combining form) ex~; outward(-); from out of; away from (combining form) prefix
sha' one's own one's own prefix
shati- auto(-) auto(-) prefix
shi' place (of) ... place (of) ... prefix
si- exo~ exo~; outer(-); ecto~; extra~ prefix
si- outer(-) exo~; outer(-); ecto~; extra~ prefix
si- ecto~ exo~; outer(-); ecto~; extra~ prefix
si- extra~ exo~; outer(-); ecto~; extra~ prefix
sos may I; could I a verbal conditional approval prefix, such as may I or could I [] prefix
svi' amongst amongst; between; inside (of) prefix
svi' between amongst; between; inside (of) prefix
t' of of; belonging to prefix
t' belonging to of; belonging to prefix
tehn- anti- not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.) prefix
tra' there there prefix
tvi- endo~ endo~; inner~; inter~ prefix
tvi- inner~ endo~; inner~; inter~ prefix
tvi- inter~ endo~; inner~; inter~ prefix
u' as (a) as (a) prefix
ul- semi(-) semi(-); demi(-); part(-); partial(-) prefix
ul- demi(-) semi(-); demi(-); part(-); partial(-) prefix
ul- part(-) semi(-); demi(-); part(-); partial(-) prefix
ul- partial(-) semi(-); demi(-); part(-); partial(-) prefix
va' infinite infinite; innumerable; immeasurable prefix
va' innumerable infinite; innumerable; immeasurable prefix
va' immeasurable infinite; innumerable; immeasurable prefix
va~ re~ re~ prefix
vesh' to have been to have been; was; were + verb = past tense prefix
vesh' was to have been; was; were + verb = past tense prefix
vesh' were + verb = past tense to have been; was; were + verb = past tense prefix
wa' especially especially; particularly prefix
wa' particularly to a great degree; especially; with particular reference or emphasis; individually or specifically prefix
weh- ~er ~er; more ~ prefix
weh- more ~ ~er; more ~ prefix
wehk- multi~ multi~; poly~ prefix
wehk- poly~ multi~; poly~ prefix
za' behind at the back of or in the rear of; on the farther side or other side of; beyond (preposition) prefix
za- posterior posterior; aft(-); stern(-) prefix
za- aft(-) posterior; aft(-); stern(-) prefix
za- stern(-) posterior; aft(-); stern(-) prefix

110 terms found.