All entries of category 'planet'

Vulcan English Description Category
Ah'rak Vulcan - the planet The name of the planet Vulcans live on (Marketa) planet
Ah'rak planet - Vulcan system second planet in 40 Eridani system - Class M planet; alternate name for Vulcan or T'Khasi planet
Charis T'Khut/T'Kuht Federation name for Vulcan's sister planet planet
Kal-Apton planet - Vulcan system fifth planet in 40 Eridani system - Class J SuperJovian planet planet
Ket-Cheleb planet - Vulcan system first planet in 40 Eridani system - Class F planet planet
Kir-Alep planet - Vulcan system sixth planet in 40 Eridani system - smaller Class J SuperJovian planet planet
Paan Mokar Paan Mokar a moon-sized, class D planet under dispute between the Vulcans and the Andorians; aka Weytahn. planet
T'Khasi Vulcan - the planet another name of the planet Vulcans live on planet
T'Khasi planet - Vulcan system second planet in 40 Eridani system - Class M planet planet
T'Khut sister planet to Vulcan means The Watcher; covers 30% of the night sky; also spelled T'Kuht planet
T'Kuht sister planet to Vulcan means The Watcher; covers 30% of the night sky; also spelled T'Khut planet
T'Rukh the Watcher another name for Vulcan's sister planet (novel Sarek) planet
T'Rukhemai eye of the watcher small moon that orbits Vulcan's sister planet T'Kuht (or T'Khut) planet
Tel-Alep planet - Vulcan system fourth planet in 40 Eridani system - Class K planet planet
Ti'Valka'ain Vulcan; planet's name Vulcan's name (anc.) named after the God of Fire, Change, and Earth; ancient name planet
Valdena planet - Vulcan system third planet in 40 Eridani system - Class K planet; also called Ah'rak planet

16 terms found.