All entries of category 'geology'

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(kov-)tintaya stratification formation or deposition of layers, as of rock or sediments; a layered configuration geology
(masutra-)glu-pasutra submarine plateau a plateau that is under the water's surface geology
(masutra-)glu-spathel ocean trench a deep, linear, relatively narrow depression in the sea floor, formed by the subduction of oceanic plates geology
(masutra-)glu-spathel submarine canyon a canyon that is under the water's surface geology
(solek-)vihk clod a lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay; earth or soil geology
(tvi-)zul magma the molten rock material under the earth's crust, from which igneous rock is formed by cooling geology
abru'lik dvun-zehl vertical fault a dislocation caused by a slipping of rock masses along a plane of fracture; also, the dislocated structure resulting from such slipping geology
abru-to'ovaya stalagmite a conical mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, built up on the floor of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water geology
abru-tvi-kovtra upper mantle the upper part of the mantle (the layer of the earth between the crust and the core) geology
alem-kov halite a colorless or white mineral found in dried lakebeds in arid climates mined or gathered for use as table salt; rock salt geology
alem-solek saline soil a nonalkali soil that contains enough soluble salts to interfere with the growth of most crop plants geology
alemtra sabkha sabkha geology
aukh gypsum a widespread colorless, white, or yellowish mineral used in the manufacture of plaster of Paris, various plaster products, and fertilizers (anc.) geology
bahun'ahb mother-of-pearl an organic nacre used in making the ka'athyra (lyrette) geology
bogosh-eiktra karst plain an area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns geology
bureki stone - volcanic volcanic stone used for construction geology
da pebble rock fragment between 4 and 64 millimeters (0.16 and 2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded geology
da-nel t'masu-tin phreatic cycle a cycle of or relating to ground water geology
dahr-ek'tukh secondary mineral a mineral resulting from the decomposition of a primary mineral or from the precipitation of the products of decomposition of a primary mineral geology
dan-pid-mashen spring tide the exceptionally high and low tides that occur at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the sun, moon, and earth are approximately aligned geology
dan-pid-sfek crest the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave; the top point of a mountain or hill (geol.) geology
desh-tukh dolomite brittle calcium carbonate, occuring abundantly in white to pale pink rhombohedral crystals geology
desh-vom-tukh dolomitic limestone rock made of dolomite and resembling marble geology
dvun-le-sumatra t'kunel-nen piedmont glacier a type of glaciation characteristic of Alaska; large valley glaciers meet to form an almost stagnant sheet of ice geology
dvun-masu-torai hydraulic action the action of or involving, moved by, or operated by a fluid, especially water, under pressure geology
dvun-zehl-shen horst a mass of the earth's crust that lies between two faults and is higher than the surrounding land geology
dvun-zehl-treshaya graben a usually elongated depression between geologic faults geology
eiktra plain an extensive, level, usually treeless area of land; a broad level expanse, as a part of the sea floor or a lunar mare geology
eiktra-skrashaya planation the process of erosion and deposition in which a nearly level surface is produced, as by streams, wind, or ocean currents geology
ek'esik ya'shakhuv absolute age a numerical age in calendar years, rarely able to be determined in rock art research or archaeology geology
ek'kovtra-dvun continental drift the gradual movement and formation of continents (as described by plate tectonics) geology
ek'kovtra-math continental plate a thick continental crust geology
ek'tukh mineral a homogeneous inorganic solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness geology
ek'tukh-titaya placer a glacial or alluvial deposit of sand or gravel containing eroded particles of valuable minerals geology
eshikh-eiktra playa a nearly level area at the bottom of an undrained desert basin, sometimes temporarily covered with water geology
eshikh-storaya desertification desertification; turning something into a desert geology
eshu t'dah-khaf-tukh copper ore any rock containing commercial amounts of copper geology
fal-masu-titaya hydrothermal deposit a mineral deposit formed by the precipitation of metallic ions from water ranging in temperature from 50º to 700ºC. geology
falkrashaya ablation the erosive processes by which a glacier is reduced (geology) geology
folu turquoise a blue to gray green mineral consisting of copper aluminum phosphate; blue turquoise is valued as a gemstone geology
for'ma'ji sand a sedimentary material, finer than a granule and coarser than silt, with grains between 0.06 and 2.0 millimeters in diameter (Marketa) geology
gahv amethyst a purple or violet form of transparent quartz used as a gemstone geology
glu-gef-shal sublittoral zone the part of the shore from the lowest water level to the lower boundary of plant growth geology
glu-masu-shal benthic zone the lower region of a body of water including the bottom geology
glu-zul-koval pluton a body of igneous rock formed beneath the surface of the earth by consolidation of magma geology
gosh-nefik ek'kovtra-sadvun-vul continental slope the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone geology
grut agate an impure form of quartz consisting of banded chalcedony; used as a gemstone and for making mortars and pestles geology
ha-guhsh detritus loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock; accumulated material; debris geology
ha-guhsh-kov organic rock rock composed of predominantly organic rather than mineral material; such as sedimentary rock geology
ha-solek humus a brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants geology
ha-solek-storaya humification the formation of humus geology
haf-kunel monadnock a mountain or rocky mass that has resisted erosion and stands isolated in an essentially level area; also called inselberg geology
hatan-solek organic soil soil composed of predominantly organic rather than mineral material; equivalent to Histosol geology
hishid-kov extrusive rock outflows of igneous rock; outflows of lava hardened geology
karf-kov aggregate the mineral materials, such as sand or stone, used in making concrete (noun) geology
kastik-guhsh-kov phytolith a minute particle formed of mineral matter by a living plant and fossilized in rock geology
khush-zul-kov porphyry rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix geology
khushaya crystallization the formation of crystals; a rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; external plane faces geology
kin-tukh gold a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits (noun) geology
kitau-kov slate a fine-grained metamorphic rock that splits into thin, smooth-surfaced layers geology
kitek silt a sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay geology
kov rock generic term for a relatively hard, naturally formed mineral or petrified matter; stone geology
kov stone concrete earthy or mineral matter; rock; such concreted matter of a particular type geology
kov-dukal nodule a small rounded lump of a mineral or mixture of minerals, usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment geology
kov-ek'shal lithosphere the outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, approximately 100 km (62 mi.) thick geology
kov-guhsh scree loose rock debris covering a slope; a slope of loose rock debris at the base of a steep incline or cliff geology
kov-kitaya petroglyph a carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people geology
kov-meil-tal petrochemistry the branch of geochemistry that deals with the chemical composition of rocks geology
kov-razh vug a small cavity in a rock or vein, often with a mineral lining of different composition from that of the surrounding rock geology
kov-storaya petrogenesis the branch of petrology that deals with the origin of rocks, especially igneous rocks geology
kov-suk'fek pinnacle a tall pointed formation, such as a mountain peak geology
kov-tal petrology the branch of geology that deals with the origin, composition, structure, and alteration of rocks geology
kov-thalv nappe a large sheetlike body of rock that has been moved far from its original position geology
kov-tin stratum a bed or layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout geology
kov-tukh stone concrete earthy or mineral matter; rock; such concreted matter of a particular type geology
kov-zehl ridge a long narrow chain of hills or mountains; a long narrow elevation on the ocean floor (geology) geology
kovau fossilize to convert into a fossil; to make outmoded or inflexible with time; antiquate geology
kovtaya petrification a process of fossilization in which dissolved minerals replace organic matter geology
kovtra plate one of the sections of the earth's lithosphere, constantly moving in relation to the other sections (geological term) geology
kovtra-ku-il rift valley a deep fracture or break, about 25–50 km (15–30 miles) wide, in the earth's crust, creating an elongated valley bounded by two or more faults geology
kovtra-ne-dvun subduction a geologic process in which one edge of one crustal plate is forced below the edge of another geology
kovtulik petrified to convert (wood or other organic matter) into a stony replica by petrifaction; geology
krus-kov gravel an unconsolidated mixture of rock fragments or pebbles geology
kunel-nen piedmont an area of land formed or lying at the foot of a mountain or mountain range geology
kunel-storaya orogeny the process of mountain formation, especially by a folding and faulting of the earth's crust geology
lan-tol bed a small plot of cultivated or planted land; the bottom of a body of water, such as a stream; a foundation of crushed rock or a similar substance for a road or railroad; a roadbed geology
laralmin-razh tar pit an accumulation of natural tar or asphalt at the earth's surface, especially one that traps animals and preserves their bones (TGV) geology
le-suma-ek'shal cryosphere the frozen part of the Earth's surface, including the polar ice caps, continental ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice, and permafrost geology
le-suma-kunel pingo an Arctic mound or conical hill, consisting of an outer layer of soil covering a core of solid ice geology
lerakhovau-solek-tin pan a basin or depression in the earth, often containing mud or water; a natural or artificial basin used to obtain salt by evaporating brine geology
lerash-nol-tukh graphite a soft, steel-gray to black, hexagonally crystallized allotrope of carbon with a metallic luster and a greasy feel geology
makrizhiv loam soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter; geology
markau-zul-kov pumice a light, porous, glassy lava, used in solid form as an abrasive and in powdered form as a polish and an abrasive geology
mashen tide (an old contraction of masu-shen); the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon; there are usually two high and two low tides each day geology
mashen-eiktra tidal flat a nearly flat coastal area, alternately covered and exposed by the tides, and consisting of unconsolidated sediments geology
mashen-pilash tidal current the water current caused by the tides geology
masu-falek-tin thermocline a layer in a large body of water, such as a lake, that sharply separates regions differing in temperature, so that the temperature gradient across the layer is abrupt geology
masu-kas-shal wetland(s) a lowland area, such as a marsh or swamp, that is saturated with moisture, especially when regarded as the natural habitat of wildlife geology
masu-menal palisade a line of lofty steep cliffs, usually along a river geology
masu-naf strait a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water geology
masu-tin water table the level below which the ground is completely saturated with water geology
masu-torai-kov hydroclastic rock hydroclastic rock geology
masutra-menal sea cliff cliffs that surround a sea geology
masutra-pa'ash-kunel tablemount flat-topped seamount rising from ocean floor like a volcano but planed off on top and covered by appreciable water depth; guyot geology
masutra-pa'ash-kunel guyot flat-topped seamount rising from ocean floor like a volcano but planed off on top and covered by appreciable water depth; tablemount geology
masutra-tol seafloor the bottom of a sea or ocean geology
mazhiv sand a sedimentary material, finer than a granule and coarser than silt, with grains between 0.06 and 2.0 millimeters in diameter (VLI) geology
mazhiv-kov sandstone a sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation and compaction of sand and held together by a natural cement, such as silica geology
mazhiv-tukh silicon a nonmetallic element occurring extensively in the earth's crust and used with other materials in glass, semiconducting devices, concrete, brick etc. geology
mazhiv-zehl sandbar a ridge of sand formed in a river or along a shore by the action of waves or currents geology
menal-guhsh(-tukh) talus a sloping mass of rock debris at the base of a cliff geology
menal-guhsh-dvun talus-creep talus-creep geology
mes-katrom crosscurrent a stretch of turbulent water in a river or the sea caused by one current flowing into or across another current geology
na-yumaya swash a splash of water or other liquid hitting a solid surface; a narrow channel through which tides flow; a bar over which waves wash freely geology
na-yumaya-zehl swash mark concentrated debris above the waterline and parallel to it, covered and uncovered by uprushing waters geology
nala-zul-kov scoria porous cinderlike fragments of dark lava geology
ne'rak-masu phreatic water ground water geology
ne'rak-masu-tal geohydrology a science that deals with the character, source, and mode of occurrence of underground water geology
ne'ti-kov sedimentary rock rock formed from consolidated clay sediments geology
ne'ti-tukh sediment solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice geology
ne-dvun-shal subduction zone subduction zones exist where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate and sinks, below the latter plate, into the asthenosphere geology
ne-flash backswamp the section of a floodplain where deposits of fine silts and clays settle after a flood; backswamps usually lie behind a stream's natural levees geology
ne-to'ovaya stalactite an icicle-shaped mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, hanging from the roof of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water geology
ne-vul syncline a fold in rocks in which the rock layers dip inward from both sides toward the axis geology
nef terrace a raised bank of earth having vertical or sloping sides and a flat top; a flat, narrow stretch of ground, often having a steep slope facing a river, lake, or sea geology
nef t'kunel-nen piedmont terrace a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below) formed by a mountain geology
neik-masu'es-kasik xeric of, characterized by, or adapted to an extremely dry habitat geology
nen-eiktra peneplain a nearly flat land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion geology
nen-eiktra-skrashaya peneplanation the act of creating a peneplain geology
nen-kov bedrock the solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel (geology) geology
nen-kov-guhsh regolith the layer of loose rock resting on bedrock, constituting the surface of most land; also called mantle rock geology
nesh-shu-kov pitchblende a massive variety of the mineral uraninite geology
nodahb outcrop(ping) a portion of bedrock or other stratum protruding through the soil level; to protrude above the soil, as rock formations geology
pasutra plateau an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland geology
patam-zul-koval laccolith a mass of igneous rock intruded between layers of sedimentary rock, resulting in uplift geology
pi'laptra thicket a dense growth of shrubs or underbrush; a copse; something suggestive of a dense growth of plants, as in impenetrability or thickness geology
pid-kunel- alpine of, relating to, or characteristic of mountains or their inhabitants (adjective) geology
pid-shalov backshore the area of the shore that is above the high-water mark except in very severe weather geology
pilash river a large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries (anc.) geology
pilash stream a flow of water in a channel or bed, as a brook, rivulet, or small river geology
pla-khush sapphire a clear hard variety of corundum used as a gemstone that is usually blue but may be any color except red geology
po-hutaya aftershock a quake of lesser magnitude, usually one of a series, following a large earthquake in the same area geology
pral wave a ridge or swell moving through or along the surface of a large body of water; something that suggests the form and motion of a wave in the sea (noun) geology
pral-foshek breakwater a barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of waves geology
pral-shal surf zone the nearshore zone between the outermost breakers and the area of the wave uprush; also called breaker zone geology
pseth-yar-eiktra prairie an extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America geology
psethtra steppe a vast semiarid grass-covered plain, as found in southeast Europe, Siberia, and central North America geology
pul'es magnitude a measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake, as indicated on the Richter Scale geology
ragel-zehl t'kovtralar plate boundary area of geologic activity: an area on the margins of tectonic plates where seismic, volcanic, and tectonic activity takes place as a consequence of the relative motion of the plates geology
ragel-zehl t'solek soil horizon a layer in a soil profile geology
ri-solektra-hutaya microseism a faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena, such as winds and strong ocean waves; a small earthquake geology
rubah-vok metamorphic rock consists of minerals which were originally sedimentary rock or igneous rock and which have been chemically altered by heat and/or pressure geology
s'udish-solektra-tal astrogeology study of rocks from space; the study of extraterrestrial rocks geology
sa'awek-koval inselberg a mountain or rocky mass that has resisted erosion and stands isolated in an essentially level area; also called a monadnock geology
sagefik ek'kovtra-sadvun-nef continental shelf a submerged border of a continent that slopes gradually and extends to a point of steeper descent to the ocean bottom geology
salan-fleit-skonn hammada hammada geology
salan-kov-zehl yardang a keel-shaped crest or ridge of rock, formed by the action of the wind, usually parallel to the prevailing wind direction geology
salan-sal-titaya loess (löss) a buff to gray windblown deposit of fine-grained, calcareous silt or clay geology
samek-laptra taiga a subarctic, evergreen coniferous forest found south of the tundra and dominated by firs and spruces geology
sek outlet a stream that flows out of a lake or pond; the mouth of a river where it flows into a larger body of water geology
selk delta a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water (geol.) geology
seshan-tukh magnetite the mineral form of black iron oxide, Fe3O4, that often occurs with magnesium, zinc, and manganese and is an important ore of iron geology
seshupik flekh'es magnetic anomaly a departure from the normal magnetic field of the earth geology
shal-zul-kov sill an approximately horizontal sheet of igneous rock intruded between older rock beds geology
shek-tukh iron a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts geology
shi'yon volcano an opening in the earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases are ejected geology
si-kov-shal crust crust of a planet; geological term geology
skonn-solek topsoil the layer of soil on the surface geology
sokasitau-solek-nosh tilth the state of aggregation of soil and its condition for supporting plant growth; arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops geology
solek soil the top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter geology
solek-ek'tin soil profile a vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock geology
solek-krus-ihn'es particle density the mass per unit volume of the soil particles; is usually expressed in grams per cubic centimetre; has been called grain density geology
solek-sov soil air the air and other gases in spaces in the soil; specifically that which is found within the zone of aeration; also known as soil atmosphere geology
solek-storaya pedogenesis the process of soil formation geology
solek-tal pedology the scientific study of soils, including their origins, characteristics, and uses geology
solek-velek soil structure mixture of the types of soil in a section of land - for example, sand, clay, loam or mineral particles geology
solektra-dvun-tal tectonics the study of the earth's structural features; the art or science of construction, especially of large buildings geology
solektra-meil-tal geochemistry the chemistry of the composition and alterations of the solid matter of the Earth or a celestial body geology
solektra-tal geology the scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth or the solid matter of a celestial body geology
solektra-tor-tal geophysics the physics of the earth and its environment, including the physics of fields such as meteorology, oceanography, and seismology geology
sov-masupik pluvial marked or formed by abundant rainfall; an extended period of abundant rainfall, especially such a period of the Pleistocene Epoch geology
soyash-yartra basic grassland basic grassland (no definition available) geology
spathel canyon a narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by running water; a gorge geology
sposhan-vihk volcanic bomb a lump of lava ejected from a volcano that has acquired a characteristic form as a result of its solidification while traveling through the air geology
sposhan-vitush volcanic ash pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption geology
sposhan-vitush-yumaya pyroclastic flow are an extremely fast moving body of super-heated gas, ash and rock which travels at over 100km/h; result of volcanic activity geology
sposhan-wan volcanic cloud volcanic cloud geology
suk'haf-kunel unaka unaka geology
suk'kov boulder a large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in the soil geology
tanaf-kov alabaster a dense translucent, white or tinted fine-grained gypsum used for carving; a variety of hard calcite, translucent and sometimes banded geology
tashuhl feldspar any of several crystalline materials made up of aluminum silicates with sodium, potassiu, or calcium geology
teret-kov conglomerate a composite rock made up of particles of varying size geology
thalv-velek lamina a narrow bed of rock geology
thorshau-zul-kov pyroclastic rock rock that is composed of pyroclastic material (super-heated ash and rock) geology
thorshau-zul-krus pyroclast composed chiefly of rock fragments of volcanic origin geology
thorshau-zul-tukh pyroclastic material a moving body of super-heated gas, ash and rock from a volcanic eruption geology
thorshau-zul-tukh tephra solid matter that is ejected into the air by an erupting volcano geology
thorshau-zul-tukh volcanic ejecta matter ejected; material thrown out; as, the ejecta of a volcano; ejected matter, as that from an erupting volcano geology
thrakh gneiss a banded or foliated metamorphic rock, usually of the same composition as granite (anc.) geology
tin-kov shale a fissile rock composed of layers of claylike, fine-grained sediments geology
tin-spoh pinch-out pinch-out geology
tin-svi'shaya hiatus an opening; an aperture; a gap; a chasm geology
torupik dvun-zehl active fault a fault line that experiences active seismic events (geology) geology
tvi-kovtra mantle the layer of the earth between the crust and the core geology
ulm-razh tar pit an accumulation of natural tar or asphalt at the earth's surface, especially one that traps animals and preserves their bones (MGV) geology
ushek basalt the commonest type of solidified lava; a dense dark gray fine-grained igneous rock composed chiefly of calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene (anc.) geology
van-tukh ore a mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably mined or extracted geology
vesht-ha-kov fossil a remnant/trace of an organism of a past geologic age, skeleton/leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust geology
vesht-solek paleosol a soil horizon from the geologic past, usually buried beneath other rocks or recent soil horizons geology
vesuhl bitumen any of various flammable mixtures of hydrocarbons and other substances, occurring naturally or obtained by distillation from coal or petroleum (anc.) geology
vi-kwitau intrude to thrust (molten rock) into preexisting rock geology
vi-kwitau-kov xenolith a rock fragment foreign to the igneous mass in which it occurs geology
vi-kwitaya intrusion the forcing of molten rock into an earlier formation; the rock mass produced by an intrusive process geology
vinam inclusion a solid, liquid, or gaseous foreign body enclosed in a mineral or rock geology
viskulan matrix the solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded; groundmass geology
vitush-kov tuff a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash varying in size from fine sand to coarse gravel; also called tufa geology
vom-tukh limestone a common sedimentary rock as a building stone and in the manufacture of lime, carbon dioxide, and cement geology
vul-dvun-zehl oblique-slip fault a fault with components of relative displacement along both strike and dip. geology
wan-tukh-van bauxite the principal ore of aluminum, composed mainly of hydrous aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides geology
wuhr-ek'tukh primary mineral a mineral that has not been altered chemically since deposition and crystallization from molten lava geology
yar-kov jade either nephrite and jadeite, that are generally pale green or white and are used mainly as gemstones or in carving. geology
yar-tukh copper ore any rock containing commercial amounts of copper geology
yartra savannah a flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions geology
yemek tributary a stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water geology
yon-ek'zer ruby a deep red, translucent variety of the mineral corundum, highly valued as a precious stone geology
yukup-zul-kunel dormant volcano a volcano that is temporarily inactive geology
yutik dvun-zehl horizontal fault a dislocation caused by a slipping of rock masses along a plane of facture; also, the dislocated structure resulting from such slipping geology
zasuhl granite a common, coarse-grained, light-colored, hard igneous rock consisting chiefly of quartz, orthoclase or microcline, and mica geology
zehl-ulidar striation one of a number of parallel lines or scratches on the surface of a rock that were inscribed by rock fragments embedded in the base of a glacier as it moved across the rock geology
zer-hir onyx a chalcedony that occurs in bands of different colors and is used as a gemstone, especially in cameos and intaglios geology
zul lava molten rock that reaches the earth's surface through a volcano or fissure; the rock formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten rock geology
zul-kov igneous rock rock formed by the solidification of molten magma geology
zul-kunel volcano a mountain formed by the materials ejected from a volcano geology
zul-kunel-sposhan volcanic eruption the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material geology
zul-kunel-wan nuée ardente a highly heated mass of gas-charged lava ejected from vent or pocket more or less horizontally onto an outer slope, down which it moves swiftly geology
zul-kunel-zehl volcanic chain a chain of volcanos geology
zul-mazhiv volcanic sand extremely fine particles thrown from a volcanic eruption; may be black in colour geology
zul-mev dike a long mass of igneous rock that cuts across the structure of adjacent rock (geol.) geology
zul-razh volcanic crater a bowl-shaped opening at the top of a volcano geology
zul-ru'lut volcanic vent the opening of a volcano in the earth's crust or near the crater's hole geology
zul-storaya pyrogenesis materials born of a volcanic eruption geology
zul-tvi-shal magma chamber a chamber that magma flows through geology
zul-ur lava tube a natural, hollow tunnel beneath the surface of a solidified lava flow through which the lava flow was fed geology
zul-vulaya-koval phacolite a colorless variety of chabazite geology

244 terms found.